
  US - This week Seaboard Foods announced an agreement to buy a portion of Christensen Farms hog operations, a feed mill and truck washes for approximately $71.1 million, write Ron Plain and Scott Brown, Ag Economics, MU.Seaboard is also entering an agreement with Woodford Creek Farms to raise hogs in Iowa for Seaboard. These acquisitions by Seaboard are part of their effort to increase their hog herd in advance of the opening of the Seaboard Triumph Foods slaughter plant in Sioux City, Iowa.

  农业经济学家罗恩普莱恩(Ron Plain)和斯科特布朗(Scott Brown)写道,这周Seaboard食品公司宣布一项决议,内容是购买克里斯腾森农场部分生猪业务。业务包括饲料研磨和卡车清洗,大约7110万美元。Seaboard食品公司也与伍德福德溪农场签订一个协议,伍德福德溪农场为Seaboard食品公司在爱荷华州饲养生猪。为了赶在爱荷华州苏城的Seaboard Triumph 食品屠宰车间开幕之前,Seaboard食品公司发起兼并业务,努力增添他们猪群数量。

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