
  CANADA - For most hog producers in the small patch that is Southwestern Ontario, those that are also dirt farmers have had harvests that have gone quite well, writes Bob Fraser – Sales & Service, Genesus OntarioWeather has been mostly cooperative with edible beans long complete, soybeans and winter wheat planting virtually complete, and corn rapidly approaching 50% done. Although there is always exceptions to every rule, most are reporting record or near record yields across all crops. However, as with every year (but particularly this year) rains could be patchy. There are certainly some that didn’t catch timely rains and therefore this wasn’t their experience, but that seems to be the minority.The OMAFRA Swine Team (omafra.livestock@ontario.ca) has in their 2016 Ontario Monthly Hog Market Facts – Net Return for a Farrow to Finish operation in July of $34.87. In August, it has dropped drastically to $1.06. September has seen the erosion continue to -$12.86. So on the doorstep of the fourth quarter, a traditionally tough quarter for pork production.


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